Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blog Post 5 outline to essay

1. Are aliens real? Yes.

2. Analyze: The vast universe, Probability, Evidence, Sightings

3.First Point:The Universe is very big
            - infinite amount of galaxies
            - a lot can support life

   Second Point:High probability that we are not alone
             -Many planets like ours
             -Universe that is so big we cannot quantify the end.

   Third Point:Evidence of things that science cannot explain
            -Area 51
            -Sightings in the sky that people record and science cannot explain.


  1. I like the topic, can definitely come up with a lot of information on it. I would like to read it when you're done. I'm not sure if i believe in aliens but I also don't know that we are not alone in this universe. By the way, what about the conclusion.

  2. This should be a really good paper to read about because the topic is so intriguing. I almost did my paper around the Fermi Paradox, which is the same thing. One thing that you should work on, though, is your thesis and conclusion, which are not in the outline.
